Ad Hofstede

Leadership for organisations in change 


What I can do for you

Ad Hofstede is an independent organisational consultant and interim manager: "I help you and your team or organisation develop, manage and achieve your strategic objectives. The focus of my services is on strategic learning & development (L&D) and lifelong learning (LLL), and on organisational and team development. My mission is to make professionals, teams and organisations work (again) with confidence."

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To trust = to have faith in someone, to count on, to consider trustworthy, to rely on someone or something, to entrust oneself

Strategic Learning & Development

The rise of AI, scarcity of human resources, growing competition and social complexity, are forcing every organisation to rethink its learning and development strategy. Strategic L&D links an organisation's strategic goals with a clear vision of leadership development and of what skills professionals need, now and in the future, to turn organisations into learning organisations with a clear lifelong development management culture.

Resilient and succesful

Teams increasingly operate as nodes in networks. There is permanent interaction between 'inside' and 'outside'. To support teams, you need to understand this complexity. In addition, teams and management benefit from looking at the emotional level. This is often underestimated and affects dynamics and working relationships. This requires authoritative leadership that ensures teams become resilient, organisations are successful, and employees can work with trust (again).

Work with trust

My mission is to work with trust. Trust is a prerequisite for authoritative leadership, integrity, good cooperation, and inspiring high-performance teams. It ensures that people work with passion, want to keep developing, are collegial and committed, are willing to resolve conflicts among themselves, dare to be innovative and are open to change. If trust is missing, you get neglected teams, mutual friction, swerving policies, resistance to change and staff leaving.

"Often what doesn't show is more important than what you see"

Who is Ad Hofstede?

As a manager and director, Ad has more than 16 years of experience in governance, strategy development, learning & development and lifelong development projects. Before that, he was a journalist and editor-in-chief of several magazines. Ad studied psychology, anthropology and philosophy at Leiden University and obtained his MSc in development sociology. He is used to working with professionals in complex, more political organisations and believes in education's innovative and connecting power.

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